Download Paramatthadīpnī (An exposition of the True Meaning) A sub-commentary on the Abhidhammattha-saṅgaha (A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma) translated by Sayadaw in July  1996. The present version consists of 4 chapters with 258 pages, an additional 3...

Download Yuganaddhakathā This is a series of lectures on the Yuganaddhakathā in the Paṭisambhidāmagga (Path of Analytical Knowledge) given by Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa on Feb 2015. Yuganaddhakathā was taught by Venerable Sāriputta after he had listened to the...

Message | Mensaje

A message for humanity: Un mensaje para la humanidad: Covid-19 is a viral global pandemic that can easily spread from one person to another and is highly infectious and frighteningly dangerous in nature. However, we need to be aware that what is even more contagious...

Download Words from the heart This book is a selection of 75 extracts of transcriptions of Sayadaw’s Dhamma Talks. When these words from the heart of Sayadaw sink into your heart, it will be a source of inspiration and confidence. May it be a support for us who...