Paṭiccasamuppāda is the detailed explanation of the Four Noble Truths, which is the core teaching of the Buddha. At the same time Paṭiccasamuppāda can be seen as a summary of Paṭṭhāna (Conditional relations) where cause and effect are explained in details.
In this book Venerable Sayadaw Nandamālābhivaṃsa systematically explained Paṭiccasamuppāda by the factors that constitute this doctrine of cause and effect and the links that combine the conditioning factors and the conditioned states. These links are further considered by the conditioning force called satti from the viewpoint of conditional relations in Paṭṭhāna.
By the combined study of Paṭicca-samuppāda and Paṭṭhāna we learn in depth how they relate to each other, and this supports our understanding of each of them and the relationship between all phenomena.
In this series of lectures, Sayadaw also explained how to practise Vipassanā meditation. In the end, he explained how comprehension of these 12 factors and their relationships can help one to abandon the wrong view of self (atta), to understand emptiness (suñña) of all phenomena and to realize Nibbāna.